Magpie Educators Fund

Happy teachers mean happy students. In my first year teaching, I learned that my mood was the class’s mood. There were plenty of times I was frustrated, but still put on a positive, upbeat attitude so my students would not be affected by my frustration. Educators' sacrifices are immense, with only a small part being using their own income to support their students and buy supplies. Our mission is to lessen this burden by purchasing items from educator’s wishlists and buying books for classroom libraries near Magpie’s “homes” (Central Illinois, North Dakota, and Western Minnesota). 

Unless Magpie is working with another local organization, 20% of sales will go to this mission. (note- if we are working with another organization, you will have the option of supporting that organization or the Magpie + Education cause). There will be four, official, times per year when we will collect wishlists and fulfill items from them with the accrued 20% of sales of that time period. (August, October, December, March). We will use our discretion to fulfill items at other times. 

Follow along on social media to be notified of when wishlist submissions will be accepted. 

Since such a large portion of our profits are donated, we rely largely on word of mouth advertising. Please help us by liking, sharing, and supporting our social media posts.